Free Time
I can post because John brought the bird-top to Seattle! So I can refresh my playlist on my shuffle!! (can you believe I heard the whole thing on the flights out here?!)
Seattle is quite rather! I am predisposed to like the place, because I love misty rain. And of course, it’s sunny and 85-90 every day we’re here. I’m not going to complain. I can see Rainier from the city – makes me want to climb it. Yes, I’m one of those. But I’d be awfully afraid to come down. So I guess I’ll restrain myself.
I’ve taken many lovely pictures with my new camera (finally gave in after the last development job cost $15) so that I could share my sojourns with my husband as he recovers from hours of chemistry lectures. I’d post them here, but I use his picture posting ability, and, well, he’s still hacked!
We’re in the U of W area, and I’m glad, because it’s forcing me to find my way through the city. The city is a neat mix – it’s like New Orleans with its spicy mix of cultures and cool market squares surrounded by dangerous neighborhoods.It’s got this rebel attitude (I’ve never seen more black in my life), and the people are, from what I’ve discerned, caustic, with solid working class roots beneath the sarcasm. I like it.
I don’t like their vagrant problem, though. The roaches infest every street. They need to do something about that if they’re really hopeful to draw a tourism industry. In a city surrounded by Kenmore, Microsoft, Google, Kimberly Clarke, CostCo, and other huge operations, there’s no reason to have poverty. I know it sounds completely mean, but I think these people are mostly homeless by choice. If they got more snow here, I bet a lot of them would find homes. Works like a charm in Philly. Thus endeth the soapbox speech.
I’m going to go catch a bus to Ballard and check out Archie McPhee. Want me to pick you up anything? Too late!