The Internet Totally Rules, Part 2 (?)
You know, every once in a while, there’s something that gets in your head that you have to track down. Correct that – if you’re a crazy type-A birdwoman, something gets in your head and you have to track it down. (Yes, dear MIL, I am reading Kitchen Table Wisdom. But the force is strong in this one, and I will not learn to let go for many years, I assure you.)
As many of you may know, I’m studying to be a teacher. One of the pedagogy classes I just finished had us trying to find many different ways of teaching the same material. One of the ways that always reaches out to me (as it would to any self-respecting songbird) is music. Since I’m headed for teaching middle-school science and math, music is a strange but effective tie-in.
Effective, you say?
So, this song, or rather the "energy in motion is kinetic" "energy that's waiting is potential" song, got stuck in my head when I was writing up a paper for my class. I Googled it today. And, what d’ya know? Jef P. has taken those cool, hip records and provided mp3’s for all of us nostalgic 30-40 somethings to hum along with.
Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go spam my sister’s mailbox with the crazy chemical energy song. Heh.
As many of you may know, I’m studying to be a teacher. One of the pedagogy classes I just finished had us trying to find many different ways of teaching the same material. One of the ways that always reaches out to me (as it would to any self-respecting songbird) is music. Since I’m headed for teaching middle-school science and math, music is a strange but effective tie-in.
Effective, you say?
“to understand the fundamental facts of energy, you must have a working knowledge of its terminology. From atoms down to x-rays, come along and sing with me the ABC’s and 123’s of energy…”
-Tom Glazer and Dottie
Evans, What is Energy, pt 1, as played ad nauseum in Mr. Todrick’s 5th grade “science and music” class. Where it became an earworm of huge proportions for certain members of the birdwoman clan.
So, this song, or rather the "energy in motion is kinetic" "energy that's waiting is potential" song, got stuck in my head when I was writing up a paper for my class. I Googled it today. And, what d’ya know? Jef P. has taken those cool, hip records and provided mp3’s for all of us nostalgic 30-40 somethings to hum along with.
Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go spam my sister’s mailbox with the crazy chemical energy song. Heh.