flightless hag

A chronicle of the adventures of birdwoman: a lonely, talentless freak who wanders the internet in search of entertainment.

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Location: Philly

I'm a 40-something married white female, survivor of weight watchers, avid reader of pulp. Dogs (not cats), extreme right (handed, not politics), ENTJ, alto, wanna-be knitter.

September 09, 2007

101 Uses for Nerf Darts

My kids were playing with their dart guns, and they decided to decorate the Moth thusly:

This, of course, reminded me of Pinhead from the movie Hellraiser. I heard they’re doing a remake of that movie, and here’s a candid shot of Pinhead from the shooting:

I can hear his maniacal laughter now, and something about pigeons?


Stinky is learning so quickly these days. Part of that is that he, too, has started back to school. See?

He's already jaded about it - the only thing he says he likes is recess. But we'll see. The son of two geeks can't very well be completely antipathetic to school, can he?

Well, that's two updates. Back to the job hunt!




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