flightless hag

A chronicle of the adventures of birdwoman: a lonely, talentless freak who wanders the internet in search of entertainment.

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Location: Philly

I'm a 40-something married white female, survivor of weight watchers, avid reader of pulp. Dogs (not cats), extreme right (handed, not politics), ENTJ, alto, wanna-be knitter.

January 13, 2006

Stinky’s School Goes Too Far

So, the daycare that we subject our children to is as even-handed as they can be. During the holiday season, they learn the Dradel song, but there’s nothing about what that holiday means to the Jews. (They never mention Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur as they pass.) They have Santa and Rudolph, but despite being housed in a church, no Christian religious connections were drawn to the holiday. Kwanzaa, however, gets the full-blown treatment.

I am SO SICK of this school telling my kids they have so much to learn from other cultures who are ripping themselves apart while they only give a passing nod to our own culture – in this area it’s still overwhelmingly European Christian. So, let’s go over what we’ve “learned’ about Kwanzaa and Western African (African-American) tradition from what Sean’s teachers sent home.

Today, Stinky brought home a menorah. Except, it’s not a menorah. It’s a stupid Kwanzaa candle holder.

Each of the candles stands for a principle, many of which seem to be pillars of socialism. The children colored each candle and learned each lesson [except maybe my interpretation of the lesson]:
Unity (Umoja) – “We help each other” [and it’s working so well for us. East Africa has no civil unrest. Errrm.]
Self-Determination (Kujichagulia) – “We decide things for ourselves.” [Only to have the decisions reversed by the next two points:]
Collective Work (Ujima) – “We work together to make life better.” [for others]
Cooperative Economics (Ujamma) – “We build and support our own businesses” [and in the spirit of cooperation, we give most of the profits to the local big-man.]
Purpose (Nia) – “We have a reason for living” [yeah, collective work and cooperative economics. Heh.]
Creativity (Kuumba) – “We use our minds and hands to make things.” [but not machines. Leave that to the western devils.]
Faith (Imani) – “We believe in ourselves, our ancestors, and our future.” [and the strange, dead tree over in the corner that looks like a god.]

On top of all this, the stupid holiday is crap. It was
made up by some stoned professor in some socialist school in California.

Swahili - the language each of the principles is stated in - is not even a language the slaves would have used! It’s an
Eastern African language, and most slaves were originally from West Africa (Ivory Coast area).

So, we’ve a fake holiday – coincidentally occurring at the exact time of one of the highest Christian holy times - which uses stolen religious paraphernalia in an inaccurate language … all in the name of promoting socialism.

And they’d rather teach this than sing “Away in a Manger.”




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