flightless hag

A chronicle of the adventures of birdwoman: a lonely, talentless freak who wanders the internet in search of entertainment.

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Location: Philly

I'm a 40-something married white female, survivor of weight watchers, avid reader of pulp. Dogs (not cats), extreme right (handed, not politics), ENTJ, alto, wanna-be knitter.

November 29, 2004

Madame P.C., That's Not Me

Throughout my life, I've considered myself a conservative.

  • I like to give to charity voluntarily (read my lips, no new taxes!).
  • I despise welfare, of the individual and corporate kind.
  • I think prayer should be allowed in school (though I don't think it should be mandatory).
  • I think that war is a necessary evil.
But every once in a while, something comes along and makes me feel like a raging hippie. One of those things is abortion rights. The other is gay rights.

I simply cannot understand what threat people feel from gays. And gay marriage, it seems like a no brainer to me. Yet people want to ban it.

There's the argument "marriage is for family". If that's the case, Mr Kerry and Ms Heinz shouldn't have been allowed to tie the knot. Nor should anyone who is beyond menopausal years.

There's the "argument" that this is a foot in the door to polygamy and bestiality. That is simply ridiculous. Two consenting adults - nuff said.

Then there's the bible-banger argument. Gays are a blight on the face of society. Nothing sums up the nauseating idiocy of this belief more brilliantly than the Jack Chick tract, "the birds and the bees".

Some artistic critiquing from me, the least artistic person in the world:
Teacher woman is a total dog. Woof Woof.
Check out how all the Gays (and Gay must be capitalized, like Satan always is) have their own imps!
Kids who condemn Queers (does anyone still use that term?) to lakes of fire have wide-eyed, innocent beauty.

I sometimes wish I could live in the simplistic black and white world of Christians like Mr. Chick. But that daggone ole LOGIC thing seems to get in the way. Oh, well.



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